Criminal Justice Schools in Colorado | CO

Colorado State Criminal Justice Degrees

Prisoners that are considered the most dangerous in the United States, including the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, are incarcerated at the Unite States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility in Florence, Colorado. It is probably no coincidence that the National Institute of Corrections’ Training Center is also located in the state (Aurora, CO). With approximately 420 new job openings a year, Colorado offers ample opportunity for those pursuing a career as a corrections officer. Criminal Justice Schools in Colorado offer degrees in corrections, law enforcement and other related programs if you wish to enter this field; you can choose between online or campus courses of study to fit your schedule and lifestyle needs.

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If you are thinking of completing a criminal justice degree in Colorado, you may also want to specialize in forensics. Projections Central predicts that opportunities for forensic science technicians will increase by 39% through to 2018, not to mention the American Academy of Forensic Sciences is located in Colorado Springs. Check out the list of criminal justice schools in Colorado below for forensic science degree programs if you wish to enter the vital career of examining crucial evidence.

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Colorado Criminal Justice Career Outlook

In addition to corrections and forensic science occupations, a variety of criminal justice careers in Colorado show positive growth potential. Projections Central states that every year there are approximately 410 new job openings for police and sheriff’s patrol officers and 90 openings for detectives and criminal investigators. Police and sheriff’s departments normally require entry-level officers to have a minimum of an associate degree in law enforcement or equivalent. An officer can be promoted to detective after serving several years on the force; oftem a Bachelors or Masters in Criminal Justice is required for the increase in rank. Criminal Justice Schools in Colorado offer law enforcement, criminal justice and other related degrees.

Legal and justice opportunities also abound in Colorado. Approximately 140 new paralegal jobs are offered each year and court reporting positions are expected to grow by 29% through to 2018, according to Projections Central. If you are interested in research or efficiently transcribing court proceedings, and are fascinated by the law, you can complete a criminal justice degree in Colorado (a paralegal or a court reporting degree). You often have the choice between online or campus courses.

Top Criminal Justice Employers & Agencies

One of Homeland Security’s 26 Special-Agent-in-Charge principal offices is found in Denver, Colorado. Each field office is responsible for law enforcement, intelligence and investigative activities that are related to national homeland security. A career in homeland security can be kick-started by taking a degree in counter terrorism, cyber security, homeland security and other related disciplines. Criminal justice schools in Colorado offer such rewarding programs.

For those interested in a criminal justice career that melds with the technological world, Colorado also boasts the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) in Denver and the Rocky Mountain Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (RCFL) in Centennial. The NLECTC supports the National Institute of Justice’s research and development projects, particularly within the technological domain; the Rocky Mountain RCFL focuses its efforts on digital forensics and also offers training. If these types of major agencies peak your interest, you should look into taking a cyber security, information security or computer forensics criminal justice degree in Colorado.

Colorado Criminal Justice & Legal Job Outlook & Colorado Criminal Justice Salary

CareerEmployment Growth through 2018Current Average Salary
Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers16%$55,000 – 65,000+
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives15%$80,000 – 95,000+
Correctional Officers and Jailers28%$40,000 – 49,000
Court Reporters29%$72,000 – 82,000
Detectives and Criminal Investigators30%$72,000 – 82,000
Private Detectives and Investigators14%

$49,000 – 55,000

Paralegals and Legal Assistants13%$45,000 – 50,000
Emergency Management Specialists15%$60,000 – 70,000
Forensic Science Technicians39%$54,000 – 58,000+

Sources: Growth Projections ~ Salary Range

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Colorado Crime Rate

Compared to the rest of the country, Colorado’s crime rate is 7% lower than the national average, states the National Institute of Corrections. More specifically, its violent crime rate (murder, assault, robbery and rape) is around 12% lower than the rest of the country and its property crime rate (larceny, burglary and motor vehicle theft) is around 6% lower. In 2010, the FBI reported that approximately 320 cases per 100,000 people of violent crime and 2,685 cases per 100,000 people of property crime were committed

Colorado’s Correctional System Stats

FacilityNumber of Facilities & OfficesNumber of Inmates
Probation & Parole22 district probation offices78,114 probationers 11,655 parolees


Degrees by State