Evidence Technician Training

Evidence Technician Training

How do you become an Evidence Technician? For you to land a job as an evidence technician, you should have a high school diploma or a GED certificate, at the minimum. A high school student that in intresting in becoming an Evidence Technician should pursue a college prep program with an emphasis on science and math. Many law enforcement agencies prefer you to have a post- high school education, preferably in the field of secretarial science, accounting or bookkeeping. Now that the competition for evidence technician jobs is stiff, it would be wise for you to invest in formal education to prepare you for the job. You may get a Criminal Justice Certificate Program, crime scene investigation degree, or you can opt for an associate’s degree in criminal justice, which prepares you for criminal forensics, statistical research, and law enforcement management.

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As an evidence technician, you must hone your skills in organization of evidence and reports. You must have a keen eye for detail. You should also master the use evidence tracking software and other equipment needed for the job. Many of these skills & evidence training will be covered in criminal justice classes.

There are many other highly related careers, degree options, and education tracks you can choose from:

Evidence Technician Certification

To gain more expertise, you can get a voluntary certification from the International Association for Property and Evidence (IAPE). You need to be a member of IAPE, and have worked in police evidence processing field for at least a year to qualify for certification. Another option is to take a 4-year bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. The more education and training you have, the more competitive you will be in your job search, options for promotion. If you are looking to maximize your income and earn the highest salary for Evidence Technicians, your training, certification, and degree credentials will be key.