Computer Forensics Courses

Computer Forensics Courses

Computer forensics courses will provide you with a solid understanding of computer systems, programming language, networks, hardware, and databases. Having the foundational knowledge will then prepare you for the courses in electronic evidence retrieval and how to collect the data without damaging or altering the original data.

A computer forensics degree will provide you with an understanding of the legal aspects of handling digital evidence and how to store and analyze that data as well as to communicate written and verbally the findings.

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The general outline of what to expect from computer forensics courses is as follows:

  • How to examine digital data
  • How to Identify where data is stored or attempted deleted data
  • How to recover and interpret the data found
  • How to analyze and make conclusions about the data
  • How to present those conclusions

During your training, you will also use case studies to develop an approach to your investigations. For example, a child pornography scenario will present a very different approach than an embezzlement scenario. You will learn about the common ways in which criminals attempt to hide or destroy data that could be potentially useful in a court of law.

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