Criminal Justice Schools in Connecticut | CT

Connecticut State Criminal Justice Degrees

Did you know that Connecticut’s number of probationers per capita is 20% higher than the national average? This means there is a higher percentage of individuals that serve their sentence in the community, under strict supervision by probation officers, but also have the chance to rehabilitate themselves through community service and other avenues. There are approximately 30 new job openings for probation officers and correctional treatment specialists per year in this state. Various criminal justice schools in Connecticut offer degrees in criminal justice, corrections, social work, human services, law enforcement or other related areas needed to start a probations career, one that pays between $70,000 ‘ 74,000 annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Although compared to the rest of the country, Connecticut’s crime rate is low, it has increased in the last few years. According to the CQ Press’ 2010 State Crime Rankings report, Connecticut has become more dangerous and its rankings increased six places as far as criminal activity. With increases of offenses, the role of law enforcement is ever more important in this area of the United States. According to Projections Central, every year there are 140 new job openings for police and sheriff’s patrol officers in this state. Consult the list of universities and colleges for a criminal justice degree in Connecticut with a concentration in law enforcement if you want to help prevent crime. Most police forces require a minimum of an Associate’s degree. Many criminal justice schools in Connecticut offer either online or campus programs so that you can select an educational path that fits your lifestyle.

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Connecticut Criminal Justice Career Outlook

Criminal justice careers in Connecticut fall within the law enforcement, justice and corrections realms. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Connecticut is one of five states to have the highest concentration of paralegals. Projections Central estimates a 12% growth within this profession through to 2018 with an average of 110 job openings per year. Paralegals perform important duties, including research, clerical tasks and communicating with clients, in order to make the job of a pressed attorney much easier. If you would like to be a part of this growing career and make an average of $49,000 ‘ 55,000 per year, consult the list of Criminal Justice Schools in Connecticut for paralegal courses and degrees. Many institutions offer either online or campus programs.

Working as a paralegal can also provide you with invaluable experience if you decide you would like to become a lawyer some day. In Connecticut, there are approximately 190 new openings for lawyers a year, states Projections Central.

The demand for Emergency Management Specialists is also on the rise in Connecticut, according to Projections Central. This profession is key in implementing prevention and evacuation plans in face of natural or human-induced disasters. An emergency management degree offered b one of the criminal justice schools in Connecticut will prepare you for this challenging yet rewarding career.

Top Criminal Justice Employers & Agencies

One of the five United States Coast Guard Training Academies is located in New London, Connecticut. High school graduates between the ages of 17 and 22 may attend and major in areas from engineering to homeland security. They also may pursue other post-secondary education upon completion of the program which is paid for by the Coast Guard. Members of the Coast Guard are also stationed in Connecticut at locations such as New Haven and New London.

Coast Guard training and practice is very much in line with the nation’s Homeland Security Department’s mission and goals. Several of the criminal justice schools in Connecticut also offer degrees in homeland security, counter terrorism and cyber security if you wish to enter a career that protects your nation’s borders and citizens.

Connecticut Criminal Justice & Legal Job Outlook & Connecticut Criminal Justice Salary

CareerEmployment Growth through 2018Current Average Salary
Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officerswill stay roughly the same$55,000 – 65,000
Detectives and Criminal Investigatorswill stay roughly the same$74,000 – 80,000
Private Detectives and Investigators7%$34,000 – 42,000
Paralegals and Legal Assistants12%$49,000 – 55,000
Emergency Management Specialists11%$61,000 – 67,000
Gaming Surveillance Officers & Investigators4%$40,000 – 44,000+
Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists2%$70,000 – 74,000

Sources: Growth Projections ~ Salary Range

Connecticut Crime Rate

According to the National Institute of Corrections, Connecticut’s crime rate is roughly 23% lower than the rest of the country’s. In 2010, the FBI reported 281 cases of violent crime and 2,193 cases of property crime per 100,000 people.

Although these crime statistics are relatively low, the CQ Press‘ Annual State Crime Rankings (2010) reported that crime increased in Connecticut. This means roles from police officers to correctional officers are invaluable. You can complete a criminal justice degree in Connecticut with an emphasis in law enforcement, corrections, legal or paralegal studies and other related disciplines to start your imperative legal justice career.

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Connecticut’s Correctional System Stats

FacilityNumber of Facilities & OfficesNumber of Inmates
Combined Jail-Prison System1817,631
Probation & parole16 field probation offices56,336 probationers 2,873 parolees


Degrees by State