FBI Agent Salary

FBi Agent Salary

A freshly graduated Special Agent’s salary begins at approximately $43,000 per year but this salary can increase to anywhere between $63,000 and $69,000 depending on locality pay and availability pay adjustments. For instance, the FBI offices in the New York metro area pay roughly a 30% premium. Also, Agents who are moved to high cost of living offices, which are usually offices in large cities like New York City or San Francisco, Seattle, LA, etc., will be paid a one-time relocation fee of $22,000. FBI Agents typically start at a GS-10, but promotions are fairly regular to GS-13 (GS: General Schedule Pay Scale). You’ll find our most current annual salary data below.

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FBI SalaryAnnual Average Salary
All FBI Positions$63,000 – $69,000
FBI Special Agents$89,930

*The FBI uses the GS scale which can vary greatly depending upon education & experience. Info from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and usa.gov GS scales.

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FBI Agent GS Salary Table for 2010

Step Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 13 Grade 14 Grade 15
1 $45,771 $50,287 $60,2474 $71,674 $84,697 $99,628
2 $47,297 $51,963 $62,283 $74,063 $87,520 $102,949
3 $48,823 $53,639 $64,292 $76,452 $90,343 $106,270
4 $50,349 $55,315 $66,301 $78,841 $93,166 $109,591
5 $51,875 $56,991 $68,310 $81,230 $95,989 $112,912
6 $53,401 $58,667 $70,319 $83,619 $98,812 $116,233
7 $54,927 $60,343 $72,328 $86,008 $101,635 $119,554
8 $56,453 $62,019 $74,337 $88,397 $104,458 $122,875
9 $57,979 $63,695 $76,346 $90,786 $107,281 $126,196
10 $59,505 $65,371 $78,355 $93,175 $110,104 $129,517

Source: http://www.opm.gov/oca/10tables/html/gs.asp

FBI Agent Pay Adjustments by Geographic Location

You can calculate the FBI salary base pay, by location, by using the below table. Take the Base GS Pay Scale wage, and multiple it by the percentage adjustment for a given city or state.

Boston24.80%Detroit24.09%Minneapolis20.96%San Diego24.19%
Buffalo16.98%Hawaii04.72%New York28.72%San Francisco35.15%
Cincinnati18.55%Houston28.71%Phoenix16.79%Washington DC24.22%
Cleveland18.68%Huntsville16.02%Pittsburgh16.37%Other Cities14.16%
Dallas20.67%Los Angeles27.16%Raleigh17.64%  

Source: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 2010 General Schedule (GS) Locality Pay Tables – http://www.opm.gov/oca/10tables/indexGS.asp

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FBI Employment Job Outlook

FBI Job Outlook

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