Latent Print Examiner

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Latent Print Examiner

Fingerprints are the most common and often most reliable crime scene evidence. Since no two fingerprints are alike, crime scene investigators can rely on fingerprint impressions to pinpoint suspects of the crime. Since the emergence of fingerprint identification in the 19th century, police agencies all over the world use fingerprint evidence to catch culprits.

Although fingerprint evidence in crime scene is often reliable, not all of them are visible to the naked eye. Latent fingerprints are fingerprints present in a crime scene but not easily detected. Techniques in forensic sciences such as fuming, and fingerprint powder are utilized to discover latent prints in a crime scene.

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What is a Latent Print Examiner?

A latent fingerprint examiner handles identification processes, inclusive of taking photos of fingerprints or utilizing different methods of latent fingerprint identification in the crime scene and identifying the fingerprints by running them against FBI’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System. Part of a latent print examiner’s job description is to prepare reports on fingerprint evidence and methods used for identification and analysis. A latent print examiner may be asked to testify in court trials in relation to crime scene evidence procedures.