Challenge to CIA Rendition Torture Flights Dismissed

CIA Airplane

Rendition:  The Act of turning over persons or property from one jurisdiction to another.  The CIA has long been accused of practicing extraordinary rendition, which is transferring  suspected terrorists to countries that are known to torture their prisoners.

Today the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals cited national security risks as the reason for its 6-5 ruling that dismissed a lawsuit challenging Jeppesen’s (a Boeing Company) role in transporting terrorism suspects to foreign prisons.  The lawsuit was origionally filed by five men who have claimed to have been captured and transported on such flights.

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According to the Jeppesen website, “Jeppesen offers military customers our Total Mission Solution, a complete software suite specifically developed to streamline the mission planning and execution process from beginning to end.  The modular design of the Total Mission Solution allows you to adopt new technology at your own pace, within your own budget, and specific to the unique requirements of your operation”.

Judge Raymond Fisher wrote for the majority. “Further litigation presents an unacceptable risk of disclosure of state secrets no matter what the legal or factual theories Jeppesen would choose to advance during a defense.  Whether or not Jeppesen provided logistical support in connection with the extraordinary rendition and interrogation programs, there is precious little Jeppesen could say about its relevant conduct and knowledge without revealing information about how the United States government does or does not conduct covert operations.”

According to the

President George W. Bush admitted that the United States detains suspected terrorists in secret CIA-run prisons in foreign countries. He announced that 14 individuals previously held in these secret jails had been transferred to the “detention facility”
on Guantánamo Bay Naval Base.

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