Bailiff Education & Requirements
While there is no exact formula for bailiff education, there are some general guidelines to follow if you wish to purse the career. First, each state has different requirements for becoming a certified bailiff, so it is important to check with your local law enforcement agency to determine what your particular locality requires of its applicants.
The actual education usually consists of working with an experienced bailiff learning about the security and court protocols and proceedings. You will be taught how to properly inspect the court room and surrounding premises for any dangerous materials or weaponry. In addition, you must get to know all the rules of the court room and how to effectively enforce those rules, especially during times of upheaval or disorder. The logistical aspects of a court proceeding are also important and a bailiff must learn how to properly escort the jury from the court room to a place of deliberation or to where they will have a lunch break, being cautious to keep any possible outside influences out. You will also learn how to swear in witnesses using the proper techniques and language as prescribed by the law and court tradition. Upon a guilty charge being read, the bailiff is usually responsible for escorting the guilty charged individual to a correctional or jail facility.
Bailiff Education & Degree Requirements
Qualifications vary by state and agency, all agencies require a high school diploma. Federal requirements vary by agency as well, and some require a college education or related work experience. Many states require that bailiff’s have had some form of previous law enforcement or related experience and a degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, or similar.
If you can show that you have had formal education in the court system or criminal justice, a potential employer will find it of value. One of the most common ways get a bailiff trainee up to speed is to through a combination of study, job shadowing, and observation of court proceedings. Once hired, a education program will vary depending upon whether it is a local, state, or federal court. All bailiffs must be properly trained on the use of hand guns. Those who have previously been in law enforcement, or who have held armed security jobs will benefit from their previous hand gun education.
Additional information avaliable in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, Correctional Officers, on the Internet at
About Bailiff Jobs – Bailiff Job Description
It is important to remember that court rooms can be places where emotions run high, where sudden outbursts or fits of rage can occur. The bailiff is instrumental in controlling such outbursts and regaining a calm and orderly atmosphere. In general, the working conditions are moderately comfortable, with indoor, controlled temperature rooms. You must be able to stand for long periods of time and to remain alert and vigilant at all times with a calm and confident demeanor. While many days and months can go by without any court room upheaval, the danger of sudden unanticipated actions remains, which is why remaining alert at all times is of great importance in this role. Many in the profession claim that the job is both rewarding and stimulating and remain in their roles for long periods of time.
Bailiff Salary
The national median annual bailiff salary is $41,160. Below you’ll find the mean bailiff salaries for the top five paying states.
- New York
- 95%$56,070
- Florida
- 90%$45,590
- Washington
- 85%$44,040
- Nebraska
- 80%$42,990
- Texas
- 75%$41,970
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics as of May 2011,