Criminal Justice Schools in Wyoming | WY

Wyoming State Criminal Justice Degrees

With seven national parks that received over 6.3 million visitors in 2010 (including awe-inspiring Yellowstone National Park) and 11 state parks, it is no surprise that Wyoming is one of five states with the highest concentration of fish and game wardens. If you would like to become such a conservation professional, enforcing state wildlife laws and safeguarding Wyoming’s natural landscapes, start by completing a law enforcement, wildlife biology or criminal justice degree. Check out the criminal justice schools in Wyoming for information on such campus or online programs.

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Wyoming is also one of five states with the highest concentration of forensic science technicians, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Complete a criminal justice degree in Wyoming, majoring in criminalistics or forensic science, to get it on this vital career that involves examining key evidence using technological and scientific procedures.

Several criminal justice careers also show a positive outlook for growth, according to Projections Central. To become a police officer, paralegal, lawyer or correctional officer, check out the criminal justice schools in Wyoming for relevant degree programs to make you qualified for these careers.

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Wyoming Criminal Justice Career Outlook

While not all estimates for employment opportunities have been calculated yet, several criminal justice careers in Wyoming show a positive outlook for growth and demand, according to Projections Central. These include:

  • Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers – 40 openings/year
  • Correctional Officers and Jailers – 20 openings/year
  • Paralegals and Legal Assistants – 10 openings/year
  • Lawyers – 30 openings/year

Each of these professions shows at least an outlook of 10% growth through to 2018. To become a police officer or sheriff’s deputy, it’s advisable to complete an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement at one of the criminal justice schools in Wyoming. You can take a paralegal degree and/or a law degree to enter the legal profession. Completing a criminal justice degree in Wyoming, majoring in corrections, law enforcement or a similar discipline, will facilitate you to become a correctional officer or jailer.

Top Criminal Justice Employers & Agencies

Wyoming’s fourth top employer, with approximately 1,500 personnel, is the Cheyenne Air National Guard Base, according to Career One Stop. While serving for the National Guard, you not only receive valuable training on base; you also are encouraged to pursue post secondary education off base with the opportunity to have all your tuition paid for. Completing a homeland security, law enforcement, computer forensics or another degree at one of the criminal justice schools in Wyoming can help foster an advanced military or a civilian career after service.

Other top employers in Wyoming include Yellowstone National Park (500 personnel) and the Wyoming State Penitentiary (350 personnel), according to Career One Stop. Complete a criminal justice degree in Wyoming, majoring in law enforcement, corrections, wildlife biology or another relevant discipline to become eligible to work for one of these employers.

Wyoming Criminal Justice & Legal Job Outlook & Wyoming Criminal Justice Salary

CareerEmployment Growth through 2018Current Average Salary
Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers12%$48,000 – 51,000
Correctional Officers and Jailers10%$38,000 – 43,000
Detectives and Criminal Investigators12%$68,000 – 71,000
Paralegals and Legal Assistants19%$35,000 – 38,000
Legal Secretaries10%$35,000 – 39,000
Lawyers11%$90,000 – 100,000+
Emergency Management Specialists30%$46,000 – 51,000
Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists19%$45,000 – 49,000

Sources: Growth Projections ~ Salary Range

Wyoming Crime Rate

According to the National Institute of Corrections, Wyoming’s crime rate is 17% below the national average: its property crime rate is 14% lower and its violent crime rate is 46% lower.

In 2010, the FBI reported approximately 2,461 property crimes and 195 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

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Wyoming’s Correctional System Stats

FacilityNumber of Facilities & OfficesNumber of Inmates
Probation & Parole256,318


Degrees by State