How to Become a Crime Scene Investigator

Get to know the necessary steps on how to become a crime scene investigator from the process of school selection to internships, seeking a specialization, and ultimately, getting your first job:

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Step 1

Research CSI Degrees of Different Schools A crime scene investigation degree gives you a competitive edge when you apply for a CSI position. Look for a degree that focuses on forensic science and criminal justice. You can either complete a two-year degree program (an associate’s degree) or a four-year program (a bachelor’s degree). When you inquire with different schools, make it a point to request information on the degree program specifics, the curriculum, online options, and the ability to choose a specialization or concentration track within the program. Usually, the school’s CSI curriculum lists courses in evidence gathering and processing procedures as well as courses in criminal justice. Compare the different curriculum and the pro’s and con’s you’ve collected, and reject the schools that do match specific needs for your CSI degree. Your first step when pondering how to become a crime scene investigator is to get to know your schools options.

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Step 2

Ask CSI Professionals for Advice on Your Education If you can, talk with alumni that are already working in CSI to discuss your school options. You should always choose a school that produces more employable CSI graduates, and asking those who are already in the profession will provide you with information as to what school/s can give you the best shot of being employed in your chosen career. It is always insightful to ask CSI professionals for recommendations on how to become a CSI.

Step 3

Choose Your Specialization Research different jobs and specializations available to a crime scene investigation degree holder, and choose that aspect of being a CSI that appeals to you most. This way, you can gear your education towards the specialization you prefer. It will also make your school selection easier as you have to enroll in a program that provides the best education for your chosen specialization.

Step 4

Look for Internship Programs Search for available CSI internship programs that allow you to apply the CSI skills you’ve learned in your classes. There are CSI schools that will refer you to a partner police agency; otherwise, you can contact local agencies yourself to apply for an on-the-job CSI training position.

Step 5

Get the Best out of Your Education and Internship Program, Then Start Applying. Make your resume attractive to employers by having excellent school records and a worthy internship experience. The more achievements you have, both in your academics and on-the-job training, the higher your chances of being employed. If possible, ask for a recommendation letter from your school and from the CSI who supervised your internship when you apply.

Earning a formal education, participating in an internship program, and having the right attitude when you look for a job are the best steps to take if you are wondering how to become a crime scene investigator.

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