Criminal Justice Schools in Alaska | AK

Alaska Criminal Justice Degrees

Alaska contains an intriguing physical and cultural landscape unlike any other U.S. state. With over 100 national and state parks traversed by mountains, rivers, glaciers and forest and a rich history 10,000 years old, Alaska is a wonderful destination for visitors, long time residents or prospective students. The state hosts numerous universities and colleges. Students attending criminal justice schools in Alaska can go on to pursue professional positions ranging from game warden to Coast Guard member and law enforcement officer.

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One criminal justice degree in Alaska you may consider is a law enforcement degree to pursue a career as a police officer or sheriff’s patrol officer. The demand for this occupation is expected to grow 11% through to 2018 with approximately 50 job openings each year, according to Projections Central. The need for law enforcement in Alaska is heightened due to its particular crime rate. The CQ Press’ 2010 State Crime Rankings rated Alaska as the fourteenth highest state for crime rates; it ranked number one for the total number of rapes per capita.

Consult the list of universities and colleges below for information on law enforcement degrees or other criminal justice degrees that fit your career goals. With one of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center’s offices located in Wasilla, you may choose to complete a computer forensics degree. Air Station Kodiak and Juneau are work stations for Coast Guard Members, an ideal launching pad for a career in Homeland Security; several schools offer homeland security or counterterrorism degrees.

In short, criminal justice schools in Alaska offer educational programs that support a range of career paths. You can select either campus or online options to pursue your studies at a time and location convenient for your lifestyle.

Alaska Criminal Justice Career Outlook

Contrary to what some may think, criminal justice careers in Alaska extend beyond Fish and Game Wardens safeguarding the state’s natural landscapes. For instance, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Alaska is one of five states with the highest concentration of airport transportation security screeners that work for the Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Agency. Starting as a transportation security screener you can work your way up to positions like U.S. Marshall or a federal security officer. Criminal justice schools in Alaska offer programs such as criminal justice, homeland security or law enforcement degrees which will equip you with the skills you need to move up the ladder in this field.

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A law enforcement degree would also help prepare you for the role of police and sheriff’s patrol officer and detective and criminal investigator. Each is experiencing positive growth in Alaska with average annual openings of 50 and 20 positions respectively.

Paralegals and legal clerk positions also show a positive outlook with an expected growth of 14% through to 2018. If you’re interested in being an attorney’s essential aide, check out the list of campus and online schools for criminal justice degree in Alaska options that focus on paralegal studies.

Top Criminal Justice Employers & Agencies

Of Alaska’s largest employers, Fort Wainwright’s Military Base and the U.S. Army’s National Guard in Fort Richardson are among the top five, employing 6,100 and 4,000 personnel respectively, according to Career One Stop. Each plays a vital role in national security and working for them would equip you with skills and experience relevant for a sustainable criminal justice or homeland security career in either the military or civilian domain. Some criminal justice schools in Alaska also offer military programs.

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Alaska’s branch of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is another major employer with an employee base of approximately 635. Fish and game wardens are some of the positions within this governmental department. If you wish to provide law enforcement services to help conserve Alaska’s forests and waterways, check the list of online and campus schools for biology, environmental science, criminal justice or law enforcement degree options.

Alaska is also home to one of the ten National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) satellite offices. Located at the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police headquarters in Wasilla, it serves as a channel to provide relevant research findings and assistance with information technology and digital programs to law enforcement agencies across the state. Does working for the NLECTC peak your interest? Check out the criminal justice schools in Alaska for information security, cyber security or computer forensics degree programs.

Alaska Criminal Justice & Legal Job Outlook & Alaska Criminal Justice Salary

CareerEmployment Growth through 2018Current Average Salary
Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers11%$60,000 – 79,000
Correctional Officers and Jailers11%$50,000 – 67,000
Detectives and Criminal Investigators12%$83,000 – 107,000
First-line Supervisors of Police and Detectives10%$79,000 – 87,000
Lawyers12%$100,000 – $110,000
Paralegals and Legal Assistants14%$49,000 – 51,000
Security Guards10%$29,000 – 38,000

Sources: Growth Projections ~

Alaska Crime Rate

According to the National Institute of Corrections, Alaska’s crime rate was 9% higher than the country’s average in 2010. Particularly staggering, however, was that its violent crime rate was found to be 75% higher compared to other states.

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The CQ Press ranked Alaska #1 for rape cases and #3 for assault cases. According to the FBI, in 2010 there were approximately 75 cases of forcible rape and 475 cases of aggravated assault per 100,000 people. In that same year, law enforcement agencies made over 42,000 arrests (for all crimes) which is equivalent to approximately 6% of Alaska’s population.

Alaska’s Correctional System Stats

FacilityNumber of Facilities & OfficesNumber of Inmates
Probation & Parole139,000


Degrees by State