Category Archives: Uncategorized

Jeremiah Fogel Suspected of Killing Another Wife

His story comes straight out of a juicy crime film, a tale of a male “black widow serial killer” or perhaps even Henry VIII. Jeremiah Fogel’s alleged actions this week combined with his faraway past seem almost urban legend rather …

Terrorists Attacks American Embassy (Kabul)

Chillingly, two days after 9/11’s 10th anniversary, terrorist insurgents launched the largest and most highly organized terrorist attack to date in Kabul, Afghanistan. In a 20-hour assault beginning Tuesday, six rebels propelled rocket grenades and automatic weapon ammunition directly towards …

Violence Arises After West Indian Day Parade

Tens of thousands of spectators flocked to the streets of Brooklyn to watch the colorful costumes, the vibrant music and the shakin’ dance moves at the Labor Day West Indian Day Parade. Despite the impressive presentation and the cultural importance …