Bail Enforcement Agent
Due to the similarities of their work, many people are confused about the differences between a bounty hunter and a bail enforcement agent. Bail enforcement agents catch fugitives who flee without paying bail and bring them back to the bail bond agency. They are also paid in commission and have their travel expenses covered by the bail bond agency. The key difference between bail enforcement agents and bounty hunters is exclusivity. Bail enforcement agents work exclusively on hunting bail jumpers and usually work exclusively for one bail agency.
Difference Between Bail Enforcement and Bounty Hunters?
The key difference between bail enforcement agents and bounty hunters is that bail enforcement agents don’t have as much liberty in their actions. Bail enforcement agents are only allowed to work on bail related issues and usually with only one company. By contrast, a bounty hunter can work with any bail bond corporation and, in some states, they are free to capture fugitives who haven’t posted a bail. Bail enforcement agents also have much more oversight with their work. Bail corporations tend to constantly check in and manage progress; however, they tend to be more lenient to bounty hunters, allowing them more independence in their work. Bail enforcement agents also have more job security because they are guaranteed to get work from their company.