Category Archives: Homeland Security

Law Enforcement at Sea ~ U.S. Coast Guard

Earlier this month, Lt. Jodie Knox wrote an article for entitled “Coast Guardsmen Train for Law Enforcement Missions.” The article talks about one of the law enforcement courses, known as “Noncompliant Vessel Pursuit” (NCVP) that Coast Guard law enforcement …

Remembering 9/11’s Fallen Officers

A 9/11 remembrance ceremony took place this morning at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington D.C. Each of the names of the 72 heroes who fell on 9/11 was read at the service. Their names are each engraved on …

Syria—On the Ground and in Cyber Space

A spotlight shines on President Barack Obama as he seeks Congressional and international support for a military response in Syria. Will there be a U.S. Military Strike? There was no consensus reached at the recent G20 summit. However 10 countries …

Homeland Security Degree Career Outcomes

In our last blog we talked about the rise of homeland security educational programs and degrees and what they entail. Today we’ll look at how such training directly pertains to professional prospects. In his presentation “Homeland Security Education: The Current …

Homeland Security Degrees & Programs

Prior to 9/11, Homeland Security degrees and programs were virtually non-existent, according to Dr. Stan Supinski, the Director of Partnership Programs at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS). Today there are numerous Associate, Bachelor, Master and Certificate programs …

Boston Marathon Bombings

On Monday, President Barack Obama said, “Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups, will feel the full weight of justice,” the Associated Press reports referring to the tragic bombings that occurred at the Boston Marathon finish line. While in his statement …

Is North Korea a Threat to the U.S.?

In 2001, I travelled to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), an expanse of land that straddles the border separating North and South Korea. One thing I found most striking, as our tour bus pulled up in the parking lot on the …

Hurricane Sandy Heroes

As of this morning, the death toll from Hurricane Sandy’s devastation in 10 states is over 90 casualties, according to The Associated Press (AP). The same article described the tragic fates of two of the storm’s victims – two young …